Distant Healing For Backache
Dear Janice,
Herewith please find the testimonial of your extraordinary Reiki healing of my back. It is 100% healed; no more pain, no need for doctors, drugs or traction - all a miracle of your healing.
I have in the past experienced various manifestations of your wonderful Reiki healings: for heartburn, painful ears, cramps in the legs, a sore foot, ulcers in the mouth, an ulcerated palate, etc. Nothing however can compare with the phenomenal healing of my back by you, 6,000 miles away from England to South Africa.
I put my back out after picking up 12 boxes of milk and a watermelon. The back pain was excruciating. I could not sit, lie down or even stand. The back seemed to lock and I could not lift the right leg to put shoes on. Neither could I bend, and the left side was painful too.