Hands-On Reiki treatment is given with the recipient lying relaxed and fully clothed on a treatment table as the practitioner gently lays their hands on the body in a sequence of positions. Reiki can also be given sitting should a person not be able to lie down. A treatment usually takes one hour. Usually three initial treatments are given on three consecutive days when doing Reiki for the very first time as the energy works most effectively in this way. Clients then decide themselves when they would like further treatments.
Distant Reiki Healing treatments can be sent when a person is not able to be present for hands-on treatment. I have found distant healing to be an extremely powerful form of healing for many people who have needed this kind of treatment, but were overseas, very far away, in hospital, or simply unable to come for hands-on treatment for a variety of reasons. It can be just as effective as hands-on Reiki and sometimes even more so. I personally have had many wonderful and heart-warming experiences with this form of sending Reiki healing.